I Just Got Diagnosed With Cancer. What Do I Do Now?
TIME. Many cancer victims would be so much better off if they knew they had some time before they started the most extreme cancer treatments. When I recall how we felt after getting my son’s terminal diagnosis I wish I could have known about the many alternative methods people have been using for many years. Instead I felt panic and that we needed to do something immediately. It would have helped to dispel the intense fear that gripped me. Since we have met many cancer patients since getting my son’s diagnosis, I feel that many people have some time to try at least one alternative method before they begin the treatments dictated by the standard of care of conventional medicine. Many of the alternative treatments would strengthen the patient’s body and make the standard of care treatments more successful and less harmful if it was felt that surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy was necessary.
Buy Time
It seems to me that in many cases if a cancer victim wants to try to avoid surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, hyperthermia would be a good technique to at least stabilize the cancer growth if not kill it immediately. If it succeeds, the results may be apparent soon enough to give the confidence necessary that additional time is now available. This would provide an opportunity to watch for recurrences, and if finances are available, start a regimen like PolyMVA or some other appropriate alternative. Why not avoid or delay surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy if you can if you have a good reason? Just because you have a cancer diagnosis doesn’t mean you have to assume you won’t have any more life or that the rest of your life will be diminished in one or more ways. Refuse to accept anything less than the best for yourself.
What Is Hyperthermia
If you don’t know what hyperthermia is, here is some brief information. It is a technique accidentally discovered many years ago when cancer victims fell sick with other illnesses that caused high fevers. It was found that the high body temperature caused by the high fever could kill cancer cells. Cancer cells and tumors are more sensitive to high temperature than healthy cells are. This method has been used in Europe for many years and is available in the Mexican cancer clinics and is becoming more available in the U.S. In fact, some medical practitioners use it with low dose chemotherapy or other conventional techniques.
Websites With Hyperthermia Information
National Cancer Institute
University of Texas/ Memorial Hermann Hospital
In the Society for Thermal Medicine web site click on the “Links” on the left hand side of the page. The above web sites may serve as a starting point for you. Hyperthermia treatment is available at clinics in Europe, Mexico, and other countries.
Do You Have Experience with Hyperthermia?
If you have experience with hyperthermia, would you let us know your thoughts? If it was helpful, please let us know where you received it, so others can save some time in their research before they launch into their chosen course of action.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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